If only November’s presidential election featured campaign literature as scintillating as what you now hold in your hands. Herewith we present the candidates who will vie for your all-important vote to become the 2013 Playmate of the Year. The winner will bathe in champagne and prize money and add her name to the pantheon of PMOYs going back to the first—Ellen Stratton of Mississippi—in 1960. Who will grab your ballot? Let the debate begin. This year’s group of gorgeous girls includes a trio from overseas: Miss March Lisa Seiffert, an Australian fashionista who loves modeling haute couture almost as much as she loves modeling nothing at all; Miss September Alana Campos, a former beauty queen from the beaches of Brazil; and Miss December Amanda Streich, an amazing 19-year-old Polish model who is currently wowing the fashion world in New York. As usual, this year’s Playmates include a number of homegrown all-American girls next door, from a pair of magnificent gamers (Miss June Amelia Talon and Miss October Pamela Horton, who hail from Washington state and Kansas, respectively) to the brilliant and beautiful Beth Williams (Miss August, from Ohio). So peruse this campaign literature carefully and cast your vote at playboy.com/PMOY2013.

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